Munich Hotels for every situation

When this website first started, there was no Expedia, Tripadvisor or hotel consolidators. Very few Munich Hotels had heard of the Internet and what benefits a website could offer. Nowadays it is very different. The list that used to be on this site has been removed and only selected companies will now be linked, it is almost certain you have your own favourite hotel booking company. If not, the advertisers opposite might have a solution or offer for you.

Hotels in Munich

There is a wide range of Munich hotels, from the top 4-5 star down to the Pension hotel. Price can often be decided by any event that is currently on-going in the city. An example would be the Munich Oktoberfest, most rooms are already booked months in advance, and if you get a room, the price is likely to be higher than normal. Remember there will 7-8 million visitors to the Oktoberfest during September/October and a good percentage are visitors from other areas and countries. Lots of Americans and Australians.

Find Munich hotels

A major reason most hotels can charge higher prices and fill their rooms is because Munich is a major exhibition city. Apart from the summer months, there is a show or exhibition every month, and most visitors are on expenses. Munich is a very popular city and has a great hotel network to meet most requirements.

Munich Hostels

The Munich Hostels are the preferred choice of young people travelling on a limited budget. Usually limited to one or two nights, the back-packer, or student has a number of choices.

This website is very old and we are trying to update each page to the current standards. This takes time.

Please check with the hotel for requirements in operation during the Corvid pandemic. A FFP2 facemask is compulsory in Bavaria.