Munich City Guide Administration

This page is for the benefit of visitors considering advertising, sponsoring articles or pages, and just want to know more about the site owner. When dealing with somebody new, there is always a doubt about their abilities and if they can be trusted. This page provides additional details. You may also use the Contact form in the main Menu to request further information. Privacy is important to me, and any information supplied is considered highly confidential and is never, every given to other parties. The Munich City Guide Privacy Policy is shown at the bottom of every page.

Munich Travel Guide

This information page aims to provide information to companies and individuals seeking information about Munich. Keywords are Munich City Guide and Munich Travel Guide. When considering placing an advertisement, often the first reaction is to see if it fits in with the desired profile, if competitors are already in place, and who else is listed on the site.

Munich Advertisers


Advertisers will be listed here to make your decision easier. Full advertisements and marketing links are shown either on individual pages, sponsored articles or Menu sub-headings. See Munich Advertising for more details. I don’t like animated gif files, or flash for advertising, nor do most website visitors. A graphic is recommended with the alternative of a text link. We also use all the major affiliate programs to bring the most suitable products to the attention of visitors.