Munich Webcams

For many years there was a number of high quality Munich webcams showing different views of the city of Munich. The selection is much reduced now. Here is a small selection I have found. If you like to see Marienplatz there is a very good view from Ludwig Beck a high quality store on Marienplatz. Here is what the camera looks like, looking down onto Marienplatz.

Marienplatz in Munich

Click on the above image to see Marienplatz

Using a good quality Webcam in a prime position can be a very good marketing tool. The number of tiny images on some sites or the many broken links is a problem. Every effort will be made to keep this Webcam links page up to date. If you can recommend a suitable Webcam for inclusion in the Munich City Guide, please send details.

This is the very best Munich webcam for online visitors to see downtown Munich. Searching for a Munich Webcam is disappointing as many links are broken or it is an image taken every few hours. Shame there is none that work for the Viktualienmarkt or Munich Airport.

Add your Munich Webcam
Please use the contact form to send details of any Munich Webcam you would like adding to the City Guide. The webcam should be available and show a view of Munich, and is free of charge.

IP Webcams

If you like looking at near real time images from Munich, there are not very many good quality ones available. If you know or have one, why not take a moment and add it to the pop out menu to the the left. I have have been studying the current batch of IP camera’s available, most are called intruder cameras and have very poor quality image. Over the next few months more information on outside IP webcams will be available. Companies fail to realise that webcams can be a major source of new customers. If you are based near to Northampton in the UK, you can find out more about Webcams.

Munich Webcams was the most popular page in August.